Efficiency: The First Renewable Energy #EfficiencyFirst

The International Passive House Association (iPHA) is a global network uniting both Passive House experts and enthusiasts alike. Together with its 22 Affiliate Organisations, iPHA works to promote the Passive House standard and foster a greater public understanding of its benefits and achievability. The network makes a wealth of information available and facilitates active exchange among professionals, policymakers and the public.
In 2021, the iPHA Network will be running the "Efficiency: The First Renewable Energy #EfficiencyFirst" campaign. Over the course of the year, iPHA, together with its affiliate organisations will be running a series of activities and events to promote the significance of an efficiency first approach.
Make your building work for you and live better using less energy in a comfortable, healthy, sustainable and future-oriented Passive House.
Passive House and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): Connecting an international building standard with global aims
In 2015, the UN set 17 new Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to be reached by 2030. Envisioned as a ‘‘blueprint to achieve a better and a more sustainable future for all’’ [UN 2020] they cover a wide array of fields and topics. The international Passive House Standard plays a direct role in achieving many of these global aims for the built environment. The article "Passive House and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): Connecting an international building standard with global aims", written by Giorgia Tzar, outlines the main topical areas where Passive House aligns and contributes to the SDGs.
The article has been published on Passipedia.org and can be read here.
Download the infographic based on the article here.
Efficiency: The First Renewable Energy #EfficiencyFirst Videos
To mark the occasion of Earth Day 2021, the International Passive House Association, together with our affiliate partners from all over the world, launched a series of videos to highlight the benefits of the Passive House standard and an efficiency first approach. The videos are available in a range of languages and regional versions including Spanish; German; Mandarin; French and more!
The theme for this year's Earth Day is 'Restore our earth'. In line with this important topic, our new video shows how the Passive House approach contributes to a positive future for our built environment.
Find your local video on your affiliate organisation's website or via the dedicated playlist on the iPHA Youtube channel!
Efficiency: The First Renewable Energy #EfficiencyFirst Pamphlets
Download the iPHA #EfficiencyFirst Pamphlet
Meeting our goals for climate protection
Detailing the benefits of Passive House, why we should think #EfficiencyFirst when tackling building projects and the ways in which the Passive House standard provides a pathway to meeting our climate goals, the pamphlet is available in multiple languages including: Spanish, Portuguese, Romanian, Greek, Dutch, Swedish, German, Hungarian and Italian. There are also local versions of the pamphlet available for:
The UK and USA (nationwide, California and New York), New Zealand and Austria.
Find your regional pamphlet on your local affiliate organisation's website and in the list below:
Pamphlet in Arabic
Passive House Bulgaria
Stichting PassiefBouwen
Australian Passive House Association
New York Passive House
North American Passive House Network
Passive House California
Passive House Association of Ireland
Passive House Institute New Zealand
Passivhaus Trust
Iran Passive House
Pamphlet in French
IG Passivhaus Deutschland
Passivhaus Austria
Hellenic Passive House Institute
Passive House Hungary
Federazione Italiana Passivhaus
Pamphlet in Mandarin
Associação Passivhaus Portugal
Passive House Association Romania
Pamphlet in Russian
Instituto Passivhaus Chile
Plataforma Edificación Passivhaus
IG Passivhus Sverige
#ExplainPassiveHouse Competition
Have you seen the well-known visual example describing Passive House as a thermos
versus a conventional building as an actively heated coffee machine? It’s time for an
The winner of the #ExplainPassiveHouse competition is Andy M. from Australia, for his video comparing a watertight bowl to a colander. Congratulations Andy! Thank you to everyone who entered for your creativity and for thinking #EfficiencyFirst!
Winner of the #ExplainPassiveHouse Competition
#ExplainPassiveHouse Competition Honourable Mentions