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Passiivivitalohydistys Ry (PHFin)












Passiivitaloyhdistys Ry is a Finnish Passive House Association which promotes the construction of energy-efficient buildings in Finland and the retrofitting of existing buildings in accordance with the Passive House Standard.

To fulfill its purpose, the Finnish Passive
House Association organises training, disseminates Passive House information, research, publishing and conducts advocacy work.


Passiivitaloyhdistys Ry also cooperates with industry organisations and companies and provides consulting services.

Passiivitaloyhdistys Ry officially became an iPHA Affiliate as of May 2019.


 Sign up with PHFin | Browse this iPHA Affiliate's profile.





info@passivehouse-international.orgInternational Passive House Association
The international network for Passive House knowledge
Promoting the Passive House Standard worldwide

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