Mission and values

In the face of climate change, the need to curb greenhouse gas emissions is becoming ever more apparent. A key contributor to total greenhouse gas emissions, energy use in buildings can be reduced through increases in energy efficiency while ensuring the highest levels of comfort. In this respect, the Passive House Standard, developed by the Passive House Institute, offers the sustainable and cost effective answer for efficient energy use in buildings. In order to advance the Passive House Standard as well as the quality for which it stands worldwide, the Passive House Institute founded iPHA, the International Passive House Association (iPHA).


iPHA's mission


The Passive House Association (iPHA) and its international affiliates recognise that promoting comfortable, high quality, and highly efficient buildings is key to reducing energy use in the building sector and thereby curbing climate change. The Association is an integral part of the Passive House Standard’s custodian, the Passive House Institute, and thus acts as a bridge between the global Passive House community and the Institute’s cutting edge research and quality assurance work. We connect a growing global network of stakeholders and see ourselves as a platform of exchange, facilitating international collaboration on energy efficiency in construction. Through awareness raising and networking as well as educational and communication activities, iPHA aims to drive uptake of the Passive House Standard worldwide.


iPHA is committed to a set of key principles


Ethical principles


Scientific principles


Principles relating to the Passive House concept


Organisational principles


info@passivehouse-international.orgInternational Passive House Association
The international network for Passive House knowledge
Promoting the Passive House Standard worldwide

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